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İstanbul, Türkiye


Medibooth VR


1 Haz 2021


Graphic Design


brand design, graphic design, mockups

MediboothVR Logo And Branding



MediboothVR is dedicated to offering a complete workplace wellness solution that optimally addresses stress and its impact on everyday life. Our objective is to seamlessly merge virtual reality and neuroscience, resulting in an unparalleled and captivating encounter that fosters mental health and overall well-being. Through the utilization of cutting-edge technology and evidence-based research, MediboothVR endeavors to empower individuals to effectively manage their stress levels, leading to heightened productivity, enhanced overall health, and a harmonious lifestyle.



MediboothVR is a groundbreaking meditation platform and workplace wellness solution powered by VR and Neuroscience. It is delivered through a specially designed immersive meditative booth, offering a new generation solution for stress management, focus, pain management, and mindfulness. Originally an R&D project at GarageATLAS Technology and Design firm, I played a key role as a designer, and due to its success and demand, MediboothVR evolved into its own startup. The project secured funding from Tubitak, The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey, and raised 120% of the funds in less than 12 hours through the crowdfunding and crowdinvesting platform,

Discover MediboothVR, at our platform

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