In contemporary architecture, the relationship between environment and design started to be reoriented into different kind of approaches among the architects, such as some of them tend to propose a new way of thinking in terms of form, function and volume, some of them worked on understanding how are we relating environment and structure. In this paper, I will try to analyze a project named as Never Never Land which is designed by Andres Jacques Architects within the relational logics of advanced architecture while try to explain the common points with the environ(ne)ment thoughts of Philippe Rahm. The Never Never Land house is a different kind of project which links volumes of a house while separating them in a functional phase using bricolage methods. Metaphorical relations can be seen at the placement of the volumes which are elevated on the rods, like a tree; spaces move up and down in elevation. On the other hand, Jacques Architects created a disturbed relation with their intentions to maintain ground permeability and the existing ground patterns, and their floor plan which was disturbed and fractured by the trees at the site. In additionally, leaving aside the controversial material choices, they composed an environmental relation with the mixture of opaque and transparent materials on façades.
On the other hand, Philippe Rahm approaches to relational logics in a different direction than Jaques Architects but on the basic level he uses the same attitude which is architects’ habits and thoughts about space should be reshaped. According to Philippe Rahm’s text from the book Enviro(ne)ment; he also stated that form and function follow climate. In order to explain it more, architects should liberate space from the function so that it can be more flexible but also adaptable to changing the environment.
In conclusion, with the consideration of six relational logics of advanced architecture, Jacques Architect’s Never Never Land House and Environ(ne)ment written by Philippe Rahm and Gilles Clement, are great examples for how can an architectural design reveal itself through the environment in caption of metaphorical, disturbed and environmental etc. relations.
Beyond Conventional Creative Thinking is a project of IaaC, Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia developed at Master in Advanced Architecture in 2015 of the Academic Program by:
Lalin Keyvan
Faculty: Manuel Gausa, Ricardo Devesa and Mate Bravo